we had a photo shoot for ALIVE ATHLETICS watches the other day. do you remember the 3rensho series? they had collabs with benny gold, w-base yohei, cadence, super champion also. alive athletic’s rider KJO, a professional snowboarder, came out to tokyo for the photo shoot. KJO has also been riding fixed gear bikes recently and has been progressing madly! anyways, he filmed a little skit where he challenges the JAN crew, each with their choice of game. it’s pretty funny, so check it out.
こないだALIVE ATHLETICSの撮影に行ってきました〜。ALIVEのライダーでもあるKJOも長野から上京して、みんなで土手沿いで撮影。撮影の様子はHUGEBLOCKSのタケ君がいい感じにまとめてくれているのでチェック!1月のWOOFINに出るみたいなのでみんなチェックしてね〜。
THE ALIVEathletics×hugeblocks PISTsession01
THE ALIVEathletics×hugeblocks PISTsession02